Mario Seixas Coelho Jr.

Founding Partner

Lawyer registered with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter

Setúbal, Portugal

Licensed to practice: BR | PT

+351 21 231 23 72

Lawyer registered with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section, and with the Portuguese Bar Association, Lisbon Regional Council.


Bachelor of Laws – Mackenzie University Law School (São Paulo)

Other Academic and Professional Titles

  • Specialist in Tax Law – IBET (São Paulo)
  • Master's in International Corporate Law – Rotterdam University (Rotterdam)
  • Professional Certification in International Taxation – IBFD (Amsterdam)

Areas of Practice

  • Domestic and International Taxation
  • International Tax Planning
  • Corporate Law
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Corporate Restructuring
  • Legal Audits
  • National and international contracts


Portuguese and English